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Coding robots have revolutionized the way kids learn about technology in today’s digital age. These educational toys provide a unique blend of entertainment and learning, as they introduce children to the world of coding. With the rise of “coding robots for kids,” children are able to develop crucial skills such as coding proficiency, imagination, and problem-solving. In this blog, we delve deeper into the top “coding robots” available in the market, including Sphero, Ozobot, Wonder Workshop, Lego Boost, and mBot. Get ready to explore the limitless possibilities of coding and creativity with these amazing robots!


The greatest coding robots for kids are made to provide youngsters with engaging, entertaining, and informative hands-on learning opportunities. Kids may develop their creative and problem-solving abilities by learning to code, program, and operate robots with the help of these toys. Kids can grow in their technical proficiency and comprehend technology more fully as a consequence. These robots are also made to be user-friendly and entertaining by corporations, which makes them a fantastic tool for kids to learn as they play. Learn about the characteristics, advantages, and special features of the top coding robots for kids.


Sphero Poetry
Making Poetry with Sphero Bolt

Sphero is a spherical coding robot that offers a fun and interactive way to learn about coding, robotics, and programming. Designers create the best coding robots for kids to provide hands-on learning experiences that are both fun and educational.

One way to use Sphero in a classroom setting is as a tool to teach basic programming concepts. For example, teachers can design lessons to introduce students to the concepts of algorithms and control structures. Teachers would task students with programming Sphero to move in specific ways using simple blocks of code. This would help them understand control structures such as loops and conditionals.

Another way to use Sphero in the classroom is to teach more advanced programming concepts such as event-driven programming. For example, teachers can design lessons to teach students how to program Sphero to respond to various events, such as collisions with other objects or changes in light levels. This helps students understand event-driven programming and how they can use it to create sophisticated and interactive robots.

Overall, Sphero is a versatile and engaging tool for teaching coding and programming in the classroom. Its versatility in programming and control, along with its straightforward design, transforms it into an exceptional tool for teaching students the basics of coding and robotics. Check out our Sphero RVR review.



Ozobot is a tiny, instructional coding robot that was created to assist children to learn about robotics and coding. It is a flexible tool that may be used to convey knowledge in a variety of environments, such as the classroom.

The main characteristic of Ozobot is that it can be controlled by a variety of inputs, including color-coded lines on paper, pre-programmed sequences, and computer code. This enables students to experiment with various coding styles and experience the immediate benefits of their work in a concrete, hands-on manner.

Lessons for Ozobot

Here are two examples of specific lessons that teachers can with Ozobot in the classroom to help students learn about coding:

  1. Color-Coded Coding: In this lesson, students are given a sheet of paper with a variety of colored lines on it. They must use their Ozobot to follow the lines, paying attention to the color-coded instructions. For example, a red line might tell the robot to turn left, while a blue line might tell it to speed up. This activity provides an introduction to basic coding concepts such as sequencing, loops, and conditional statements, as well as the idea of using color to provide instructions.
  2. Ozoblockly Programming: In this lesson, students use a computer-based visual programming language called Ozoblockly to control their Ozobot. They can use drag-and-drop blocks to create code that will direct the robot to move, turn, change speed, and respond to other inputs. This activity provides a more in-depth look at coding concepts and helps students understand how code can be used to control a robot.

In both of these lessons, students have the opportunity to work collaboratively and creatively to solve problems and explore new coding concepts. Whether they are working with color-coded lines or writing code with Ozoblockly, they will gain a deeper understanding of how robots and code work together and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the process.

Lego Boost

Lego Boost coding robots

Lego Boost is a robotics kit made by Lego that allows children to build and program robots. The kit comes with over 840 Lego pieces and a hub that children can connect to a tablet or smartphone to control the robots. The Boost app provides a visual, drag-and-drop coding interface that makes it easy for children to start programming their robots without prior coding experience.

Lego Boost is a great tool for teaching coding to children. Teachers and parents can use it in many different lesson plans and projects. Here are two examples of specific lessons for learning to code with Lego Boost:

  1. Introduction to Coding Concepts: In this lesson, students will learn the basics of coding by using the Lego Boost app to control their robots. They will start by using the drag-and-drop blocks to create simple programs, such as making the robot move forward or turn. As students become more comfortable with the interface, they can progress to more advanced programming concepts such as loops and conditions.
  2. Robotics Challenges: In this lesson, students will work in teams to complete challenges using their Lego Boost robots. Each challenge will require students to program their robots to perform a specific task, such as following a line or avoiding obstacles. This will provide students with the opportunity to use their coding skills in a real-world scenario, and also encourage teamwork and problem-solving.

By using Lego Boost in their classrooms, students will be able to gain hands-on experience with coding and robotics, developing their technical skills and creativity. The kit’s versatility and user-friendly interface make it a great tool for introducing students to the world of coding and robotics.

Wonder Workshop: Dash & Dot

Dash and dot coding robots

Wonder Workshop Dash and Dot are instructional coding robots developed to assist students in learning how to code. These robots are aimed at youngsters aged 6 and older, and they offer a hands-on approach to learning programming ideas, problem-solving abilities, and logical thinking. Dash and Dot are perfect for classroom use because they allow students to participate in dynamic and enjoyable learning activities.

Example 1: Introduction to Programming Concepts

Students in an introductory programming class can utilize Dash and Dot to learn basic programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, and algorithms. The robots are programmed using the Wonder app, which is accessible for both iOS and Android devices. This software is simple to use and gives step-by-step instructions to help students complete coding assignments. Students, for example, may use the app to program Dash to go ahead, pivot, and dance in a specified order. This activity helps students comprehend looping and command execution in a precise order.

Example 2: Building Problem-Solving Skills

In a more advanced programming class, Dash and Dot can be used to teach students how to write code to solve real-world problems. For instance, students can use robots to design and build a maze, and then program Dash to navigate through the maze. This exercise not only helps students learn coding techniques such as conditional statements and algorithms, but it also teaches them how to think logically and systematically to solve problems. Hands-on learning proves particularly effective for students struggling with abstract concepts by offering a tangible understanding of how coding applies to real-life situations.

In conclusion, Wonder Workshop Dash and Dot are versatile and engaging coding robots that are ideal for use in the classroom. Whether students are just starting to learn about programming concepts or are more advanced coders, these robots provide a fun and interactive way to develop critical skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking, and algorithmic thinking. They are a valuable tool for teachers looking to incorporate hands-on, technology-based learning experiences into their classrooms.

Mbot Neo by Make Block

MBot Neo

Makeblock, a prominent developer of STEAM education solutions, created the MBot Neo coding robot. This robot is intended to teach youngsters and novices about coding and robotics. MBot Neo is an ideal tool for instructors and students interested in learning the fundamentals of programming, electronics, and mechanics.

Here are two examples of specific lessons for learning to code using the MBot Neo:

  1. Introduction to Scratch Programming: Scratch is a visual programming language designed for children and beginners. With MBot Neo, students can learn how to use Scratch to control the robot’s movements, lights, and sounds. For example, students can write a program that makes the robot follow a line, avoid obstacles, or play music. This lesson will introduce students to the basics of programming, such as variables, loops, and conditional statements.
  2. Robotics with mBlock: mBlock is a graphical programming environment based on Scratch that adds more advanced features, such as support for hardware devices, such as MBot Neo. In this lesson, students can learn how to use mBlock to control the robot’s sensors, such as the line follower and Ultrasonic sensor, and program it to complete various tasks. For example, students can program the robot to follow a line, find its way out of a maze, or avoid obstacles.

Finally, the adaptable MBot Neo coding robot teaches children and novices the fundamentals of coding, robotics, and electronics in a variety of educational situations. The MBot Neo, with its simple software and hardware, offers a fun and engaging approach for students to learn the principles of programming and apply their knowledge in real-world circumstances.


In summary, coding robots like Sphero, Ozobot, Lego Boost, Wonder Workshop’s Dash & Dot, and mBot Neo are not just toys, but powerful educational tools that are reshaping how we teach and learn technology. These robots serve as bridges, connecting the abstract world of coding and programming to tangible, interactive experiences that captivate and educate children.

Through hands-on activities, students can explore and master concepts such as algorithms, loops, and conditional statements, enhancing not only their technical skills but also fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Each robot, with its unique features and approach, offers diverse and flexible learning opportunities, making coding accessible and enjoyable for children of all ages and skill levels.

As we delve deeper into the digital age, the importance of equipping our young learners with coding proficiency becomes increasingly evident. These coding robots stand at the forefront of this educational revolution, providing a playful yet profound way to prepare children for a future where technology and coding skills will be integral.

The journey through the world of coding robots is an exciting adventure of discovery, imagination, and innovation. It’s an adventure that promises to shape a generation of thinkers, creators, and innovators. As educators and parents, we have the opportunity to guide and support this journey, ensuring that our children are not just consumers of technology but also creators and innovators who will shape the future.

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell is an experienced English professor in South Korea with over 20 years of teaching experience across all levels of education. With a doctorate in education, Richard is passionate about promoting language learning and using innovative approaches, including AI writing tools, to inspire his students.

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