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Hello, fellow educators and dedicated parents!

As we approach Hour of Code 2023, I can’t help but reminisce about my own journey, first as a K–12 teacher and now as a university professor. I remember the days of trying to spark that light of curiosity in my students’ eyes, especially when it came to subjects like technology and computer science. And you know what? It’s both an exhilarating and challenging endeavor.

Hour of Code 2023

This year, something exciting is on the horizon: has unveiled new Hour of Code lessons focused on AI, and I believe these could be game-changers in our classrooms and homes. You might be wondering, “Why AI, and why now?” Well, let me tell you, AI isn’t just a futuristic concept anymore; it’s here, reshaping the way we live, work, and learn. And who better to guide our students into this new era than us, their teachers and guardians?

I understand the challenges you face every day – keeping lessons engaging, making technology accessible, and ensuring our young learners are future-ready. That’s why I’m thrilled to dive into these new AI lessons with you. Together, we’ll explore how they can not only enhance our teaching but also captivate our students’ imaginations like never before.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s embark on this journey to bring AI to life in our classrooms. Are you ready to inspire the next generation of innovators?

Problem 1: Lack of Engagement in Traditional Learning

As we look forward to “Hour of Code 2023,” let’s address a challenge I’ve seen both in my K–12 days and in higher education: student engagement. It’s no secret that traditional learning methods, while effective in their own right, sometimes struggle to fully capture the attention and interest of our young, tech-savvy generation. You’ve probably seen it too—eyes glazing over during lectures or students mechanically going through the motions without real enthusiasm. In this digital age, where technology is at their fingertips, how do we make learning, especially in computer science, as captivating as the latest app or game?

Solution: Interactive Learning with AI

Here’s the exciting part!’s “Dance Party: AI Edition”, one of the innovative lesson plans for “Hour of Code 2023”, offers a dynamic shift from traditional methods. Picture this: a classroom where students create and control dance moves through coding, accompanied by popular music hits. It’s not just about writing lines of code; it’s about bringing creativity, music, and movement into the learning process. This integration of AI and interactive elements provides an immersive experience, making learning not only informative but incredibly fun.

Hour of Code 2023 Dance Party

In “Dance Party: AI Edition”, students get to apply AI concepts to make characters move on screen. Imagine the delight in a student’s eyes when they code a character to moonwalk or floss to their favorite tunes! It’s these kinds of engaging, hands-on activities that can transform their perception of computer science from a mundane subject to an exciting world of endless possibilities.

This approach ticks all the boxes for effective learning – it’s interactive, relatable, and most importantly, fun. By leveraging the appeal of music and dance, “Dance Party: AI Edition” aligns perfectly with the interests of students, making it a fantastic tool to boost engagement and interest in AI and coding. And let’s not forget, it’s a wonderful opportunity for us to connect with our students on a level they truly enjoy and understand.

As we gear up for “Hour of Code 2023”, let’s embrace these innovative methods. By doing so, we’re not just teaching code; we’re inspiring the next generation of creators and innovators. And who knows? The next great app or technological breakthrough could very well start in our classrooms or homes, inspired by a simple dance coding lesson.

Problem 2: Limited Understanding of AI and its Applications

As we eagerly anticipate Hour of Code 2023, there’s another hurdle I’ve noticed, both in my past as a K–12 teacher and in my current role as a university professor. It’s the gap in understanding artificial intelligence (AI), a concept that’s becoming increasingly crucial in our digitized world. Despite AI’s growing presence in almost every field, from healthcare to finance, it often remains an enigma for many students. How can we demystify AI and make it approachable, especially for younger learners who will grow up in a world where AI is ubiquitous?

Solution: Hands-On Experience with Real-World AI Applications

Enter “AI for Oceans,” another brilliant offering from for Hour of Code 2023. This lesson plan is not your typical classroom lecture on AI. Instead, it presents AI in a context that is both understandable and relatable for students of all ages. The lesson revolves around cleaning the ocean, a topic that resonates well with today’s environmentally conscious youth.

Hour of Code 2023 AI Oceans

In this interactive lesson, students use AI to identify and classify objects found in the ocean. They’re not just learning about AI theoretically; they’re applying it to solve a real-world problem: keeping our oceans clean. By categorizing different objects like fish, sharks, and various types of trash, students learn how AI can be trained to recognize and differentiate between items.

This hands-on approach brings AI out of the abstract realm and into the tangible world. It helps students grasp how AI works and its potential applications in everyday life. As they engage with the lesson, they’ll start to see AI not as a distant, complex concept but as a tool they can understand and use to make a difference in the world.

So, as we prepare for Hour of Code 2023, let’s look forward to breaking down the barriers to AI understanding. With lessons like “AI for Oceans,” we’re not just educating; we’re empowering our students to become informed, responsible digital citizens who are ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Problem 3: Integrating Technology into Curriculum

As Hour of Code 2023 approaches, another challenge I often recall from my K–12 teaching days and still witness in the university setting is the integration of new technology into the curriculum. For many educators, introducing advanced concepts like AI into their lesson plans can seem daunting. How can we, as teachers and mentors, seamlessly blend these innovative subjects into our existing curriculum without overwhelming ourselves or our students?

Solution: Seamless Integration and Comprehensive Support

This is where the beauty of’s Hour of Code 2023 offerings truly shines. Take “AI for Oceans” and “Dance Party: AI Edition” – these aren’t just standalone lessons; they’re gateways to integrating AI and coding into various educational subjects seamlessly. What’s fantastic about these modules is their versatility. They can be easily woven into science, mathematics, art, and even physical education classes, making them incredibly adaptable and relevant across different teaching environments.

Hour of Code 2023 Ai Dance Party

For instance, “AI for Oceans” can be a part of a broader environmental science discussion, illustrating the practical applications of technology in environmental conservation. Similarly, “Dance Party: AI Edition” can be an exciting entry point in a music or physical education class, highlighting the intersection of technology, art, and physical activity. created the lesson plans for Hour of Code 2023 with educators in mind. They come with comprehensive guides, easy-to-follow instructions, and additional resources, making the integration process as smooth as possible. This support empowers teachers to confidently introduce these advanced concepts in their classrooms, regardless of their previous experience with coding or AI.

As educators and parents gear up for Hour of Code 2023, let’s view these lesson plans not as extra work but as opportunities to enrich our curriculum and excite our students. By integrating these lessons into various subjects, we’re not only making learning more engaging but also preparing our students for a future where interdisciplinary knowledge of technology is invaluable.

Call-to-Action for Hour of Code 2023

As we count down to Hour of Code 2023, I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to all my fellow educators and parents out there. Whether you’re a seasoned teacher well-versed in the digital world or a parent eager to guide your child through the fascinating realm of technology, this is an opportunity like no other.

Think of the joy and excitement on the faces of your students or children as they explore the wonders of AI through “Dance Party: AI Edition” and “AI for Oceans.” Imagine the sense of achievement they’ll feel as they tackle real-world problems with code they’ve written themselves. This is what learning should be about: engaging, empowering, and inspiring the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

So, I urge you to take this step with me. Let’s make Hour of Code 2023 a memorable and transformative experience for our young learners. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to get involved. All you need is the willingness to explore and learn alongside your students or children.

To get started, here are some valuable resources:

Additionally, offers a wealth of support and resources to guide you through each lesson plan, ensuring you have everything you need to successfully bring these lessons into your classroom or home.

Let’s embrace Hour of Code 2023 with open arms and curious minds. Together, we can ignite a passion for learning and innovation in our students and children that will last a lifetime. Are you ready to join me in this exciting journey?


As we wrap up our journey towards Hour of Code 2023, let’s take a moment to reflect on the key points we’ve explored together. We’ve delved into the challenges of student engagement in traditional learning and discovered how “Dance Party: AI Edition” can revolutionize this through its vibrant, interactive approach. We’ve tackled the often-intimidating concept of AI, breaking it down into digestible, impactful lessons with “AI for Oceans.” And we’ve discussed the seamless integration of these innovative lesson plans into diverse curriculums, empowering educators to embrace technology with confidence and ease.

The transformative potential of AI education through initiatives like Hour of Code is immense. By participating in these lessons, we’re not just teaching coding or environmental science; we’re fostering a deep, meaningful understanding of how technology can be used for creative expression, problem-solving, and making a positive impact on our world. This understanding is crucial, as the future we’re stepping into is one where AI literacy will be as fundamental as reading and writing.

Looking ahead, the importance of AI literacy for the next generation cannot be overstated. The most valuable gift we can give our students in today’s increasingly technologically driven world is giving them the abilities and knowledge they need to succeed, innovate, and lead in this digital environment. 

As educators and parents, we have the privilege and responsibility to guide them through this journey, sparking curiosity and a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

So, as Hour of Code 2023 approaches, let’s embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and optimism. Let’s join hands in preparing our students not just for the challenges of today but for the exciting, uncharted possibilities of tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hour of Code 2023?

Hour of Code 2023 is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in over 180 countries. It’s an initiative to introduce young minds to the world of computer science and coding through one-hour tutorials and activities, this year with a special focus on AI.

Who can participate in Hour of Code 2023 activities?

Anyone interested in learning about coding and AI, especially students from kindergarten to 12th grade. Teachers and parents are encouraged to facilitate these activities, which are designed to be accessible and engaging for learners of all levels.

Do I need any prior coding experience to teach or participate?

No, prior coding experience is not necessary. Hour of Code activities, like “Dance Party: AI Edition” and “AI for Oceans”, are designed to be beginner-friendly and come with comprehensive guides to assist both learners and facilitators.

How can AI lessons from Hour of Code benefit students?

AI lessons help students understand and engage with an increasingly tech-driven world. They enhance problem-solving skills, creativity, and critical thinking, providing a foundation for future learning and career opportunities in technology.

Are Hour of Code activities aligned with school curriculums?

Yes, Hour of Code activities are created to complement existing curriculums. They can be integrated into various subjects like science, math, and arts, making them versatile educational tools.

How can parents support their children in Hour of Code 2023?

Parents can encourage and participate in Hour of Code activities at home. They can explore resources on, set up coding sessions, and engage in discussions about AI and its role in daily life to enhance their children’s learning experience.

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell is an experienced English professor in South Korea with over 20 years of teaching experience across all levels of education. With a doctorate in education, Richard is passionate about promoting language learning and using innovative approaches, including AI writing tools, to inspire his students.