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As a former K–12 teacher and an SEO professional, I’ve seen firsthand how technology can transform the classroom. Today, I want to share with you some of the most exciting tools I’ve come across: ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions. These AI-powered tools are revolutionizing the educational landscape, making learning more interactive and engaging for students and teachers.

ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions are software add-ons that enhance the capabilities of the ChatGPT AI model. They’re like a Swiss Army knife for education, offering a wide range of tools to enrich the learning experience. From creating interactive trivia games to introducing programming concepts, these tools are opening up new avenues for learning.

But with so many plugins and extensions available, how do you choose the right ones for your classroom? That’s where this guide comes in. I’ve compiled a list of the best ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions for K–12 teachers, focusing on those that offer the most value for enhancing the educational journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned educator looking for new ways to engage your students or a novice teacher seeking innovative tools to facilitate learning, this guide is for you. So, let’s dive in and explore how these tools can transform your teaching and provide your students with a more immersive and participatory learning experience.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into each plugin and extension, discussing their features, benefits, and how they can be integrated into your teaching. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how these tools can enhance your students’ academic journey and potentially open up new career opportunities.

Remember, the goal here is not just to use technology for technology’s sake. Instead, we want to leverage these tools to foster a more engaging, interactive, and effective learning environment.

How to Install ChatGPT Plugins

To install and enable ChatGPT plugins, follow these steps:

  1. Visit your account information page and click on the three dots next to your username.
  2. Select “Settings” or the gear icon.
  3. Look for the “Beta features” tab and click on it.
  4. Under “Beta features,” locate “Web browsing and plugins” and select “Plugins.”
  5. Enable plugins by clicking the green button and ensure it’s checked off.
  6. Close the settings window, and you’ll now have the option to utilize plugins in the dropdown menu.
  7. Click on the dropdown menu and select “Plugin Store” to access the ChatGPT plugin store.
  8. In the plugin store, browse through the available plugins and select the one you want to install.
  9. Once installed, return to the ChatGPT dashboard or homepage, and you’ll see a dropdown menu with your installed plugins.
  10. Check or uncheck the plugins you want to use for the current conversation.
  11. Start typing your prompt, and you’ll see the logo of the plugin you’re using.
  12. The plugin will assist in crafting a response based on your prompt.
  13. You can view the plugins you’re using at the top of the page under “model plugins.” Remember to enable beta features in the settings and open a new chat to access and use the installed plugins.

Enhancing Education with ChatGPT Plugins

edX ChatGPT Plugin

The edX ChatGPT Plugin is a powerful tool that connects teachers to a vast array of courses and content from leading universities around the world. This plugin is like having a personal academic librarian ready to help you find the resources you need to enrich your lessons.

For instance, if you’re teaching a unit on climate change, you can use the edX ChatGPT Plugin to find university-level courses or lectures on the topic. You can then use these resources to deepen your understanding of the subject, find inspiration for lesson plans, or even recommend them to advanced students looking for an extra challenge.

But the edX ChatGPT Plugin isn’t just for finding courses. It can also help you locate specific educational resources within those courses. Looking for a video that explains the greenhouse effect, a quiz on renewable energy sources, or a discussion forum on environmental policy? The edX ChatGPT Plugin can help you find these resources quickly and easily.

In short, the edX ChatGPT Plugin is a versatile tool that can save you time on lesson planning, provide you with valuable educational resources, and help you create a more engaging and informative learning experience for your students.

Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin

The Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin is like having a personal math and science tutor at your fingertips. This plugin provides access to computation, math, curated knowledge, and real-time data, making it a valuable tool for teaching STEM subjects.

For example, you could use the Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin to generate complex math problems for your students, complete with step-by-step solutions. Or, you could use it to create interactive science lessons, where students can manipulate variables and see the effects in real time.

The Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin can also be a valuable tool for class prep. Need to brush up on your calculus before teaching a lesson? Want to find the latest data on climate change for a science class? The Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin can provide you with the information you need, quickly and accurately.

Chess ChatGPT Plugin

The Chess ChatGPT Plugin offers an interactive chess experience that can be used to teach critical thinking skills, strategic planning, and problem-solving. With this plugin, you can play chess games against an AI opponent, ranging from novice to grandmaster level.

In the classroom, you could use the Chess ChatGPT Plugin to create a virtual chess club where students can practice their skills and challenge each other to match. Or, you could use it to teach lessons on strategy and planning, using chess moves as a metaphor.

The Chess ChatGPT Plugin can also be a valuable tool for class prep. Need to brush up on your chess skills before teaching a lesson? The Chess ChatGPT Plugin can provide you with the practice you need.

Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin

The Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin provides trivia questions from various categories and difficulty levels. This plugin can be used to engage students in fun and educational trivia games, helping them improve their general knowledge and retention of information.

For example, you could use the Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin to start each class with a trivia question, sparking students’ curiosity and getting them excited about learning. Or, you could use it to create a trivia quiz for the end of a unit, testing students’ knowledge in a fun and engaging way.

The Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin can also be a valuable tool for class prep. Need to find trivia questions for a lesson? The Open Trivia ChatGPT Plugin can provide you with a wide range of questions, saving you time on lesson planning.

CreatiCode Scratch ChatGPT Plugin

The CreatiCode Scratch ChatGPT Plugin allows users to display Scratch programs as images and write 2D and 3D programs using CreatiCode Scratch extensions. This plugin can be used to introduce students to programming concepts and encourage them to create interactive projects.

In the classroom, you could use the CreatiCode Scratch ChatGPT Plugin to teach a unit on coding, guiding students as they create their own interactive games or animations. Or, you could use it to integrate coding into other subjects, such as math or science.

The CreatiCode Scratch ChatGPT Plugin can also be a valuable tool for class prep. Need to create a Scratch project for a lesson? The CreatiCode Scratch ChatGPT Plugin can help you design and implement your project, saving you time and effort.

MightyOwl K-8 ChatGPT Plugin

The MightyOwl K-8 ChatGPT Plugin is a wonderful tool for teachers working with elementary and middle school students. It provides fun and engaging learning resources for children aged 5-13 years old. With videos, quizzes, and worksheets covering various subjects such as Math, Science, English, and Social Studies, this plugin can help your students learn and grow.

For example, you could use the MightyOwl K-8 ChatGPT Plugin to complement your lessons with interactive activities that challenge and inspire your students. Whether you’re teaching fractions, photosynthesis, grammar, or history, this plugin has resources that can support your teaching goals.

World News ChatGPT Plugin

The World News ChatGPT Plugin is a great tool for keeping your classroom connected to the world. It enables users to summarize news headlines and get the latest news from various sources around the world. This can be a valuable resource for social studies teachers or any teacher looking to incorporate current events into their lessons.

For example, you could start each class with a discussion of a recent news story related to the topic you’re teaching. Or, you could use the World News ChatGPT Plugin to find articles for students to read and discuss as part of a homework assignment.

ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin

The ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin is a powerful tool for accessing scientific knowledge. It provides fast, reliable, and peer-reviewed data, making it an excellent resource for science teachers or any teacher looking to incorporate more scientific research into their lessons.

You could use the ScholarAI ChatGPT Plugin to find recent studies related to the topics you’re teaching and then discuss these studies with your students. This can be a great way to show students how scientific knowledge is generated and how it evolves over time.

Expanding Classroom Capabilities with ChatGPT Chrome Extensions

ChatGPT Prompt Genius

ChatGPT Prompt Genius is a plugin that allows users to sync their chat history locally, customize their ChatGPT interface with themes, and save chats in various formats. The tool also enables users to discover, share, import, and use the best prompts for ChatGPT, and add prompt templates to their collection easily.

This can be a valuable tool for teachers who use ChatGPT frequently in their lessons. For example, you could use ChatGPT Prompt Genius to save and organize your ChatGPT interactions by topic or class, share interesting prompts with your students, or import and use prompts created by other educators.


FancyGPT is a plugin that allows you to save and share your ChatGPT threads as images, PDFs, or text files. It also offers various features such as exporting snippets with better visuals, the ability to select which messages to include, options to choose from different styles, highlighting areas of interest, and many more. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who want to save and share their ChatGPT interactions. For example, you could use FancyGPT to save a ChatGPT-generated lesson plan, share a ChatGPT explanation of a concept with your students, or create a PDF of a ChatGPT-generated study guide.


ShareGPT is a Chrome extension that helps you share your ChatGPT conversations with your friends with a single click. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who want to share interesting or useful ChatGPT interactions with their students or colleagues. For example, you could use ShareGPT to share a ChatGPT explanation of a complex concept, a list of resources generated by ChatGPT, or a ChatGPT-generated quiz.

The ChatGPT Sidebar

The ChatGPT Sidebar is an AI assistant that provides various services while browsing any website. This includes a ChatGPT translator, dictionary, grammar check, and customizable prompts. It also has a quick lookup window for easy access to definitions. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who are researching or preparing lessons. For example, you could use the ChatGPT Sidebar to translate a webpage quickly, check the grammar of a sentence, or look up the definition of a word.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

The YouTube Summary with ChatGPT plugin is a fantastic tool for teachers who use video content in their lessons. This plugin uses ChatGPT AI technology to provide users with a summary of YouTube videos they are watching. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who want to quickly understand the content of a video before showing it to their students. It can also be used to provide students with a written summary of a video, which can be helpful for review or for students who prefer to learn from written material.


WebChatGPT is a plugin that enhances ChatGPT prompts with relevant results from the web for more accurate and up-to-date conversations. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who want to incorporate real-world information into their lessons. For example, you could use WebChatGPT to find the latest data on a topic you’re teaching or to find real-world examples to illustrate a concept. With WebChatGPT, you can make your lessons more relevant and engaging for your students.

ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT Writer is a plugin using ChatGPT AI to generate emails and messages. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who need to communicate with students, parents, or colleagues. With ChatGPT Writer, you can draft your emails quickly and efficiently, ensuring that your messages are clear, polite, and professional.

Voice Control for ChatGPT

Voice Control for ChatGPT is a plugin that enhances ChatGPT’s capabilities by adding voice control and read-aloud features. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who want to make their lessons more interactive and engaging. For example, you could use Voice Control for ChatGPT to read out a text, making it more accessible for students with reading difficulties. Or, you could use it to dictate your instructions or questions to ChatGPT, freeing up your hands for other tasks.


ReaderGPT is a plugin that generates a summary of any readable webpage using ChatGPT in just one click. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who need to digest a lot of information quickly. Whether you’re researching a new teaching strategy, looking for lesson plan ideas, or staying up-to-date on educational policy, ReaderGPT can help you get the information you need quickly and easily.


ChatOnAi is a free Chrome extension that uses OpenAI ChatGPT to improve your browsing experience. It offers various prompt templates and displays responses from ChatGPT alongside popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Baidu, etc. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who are constantly researching and looking for new educational materials. With ChatOnAi, you can get quick summaries, explanations, or translations of web content, making your research more efficient.

Superpower ChatGPT

Superpower ChatGPT is a plugin that adds a variety of management and utility features to ChatGPT, including chat organization tools like folders and pinned messages, chat syncing and exporting, prompt management tools such as saved prompt history and community prompts, and language and style options for ChatGPT responses.

This can be a valuable tool for teachers who use ChatGPT frequently in their lessons. For example, you could use Superpower ChatGPT to organize your chats by topic or class, making it easier to find and review past conversations. Or, you could use it to save and share interesting or useful prompts with your students.


Merlin is a versatile ChatGPT plugin that provides easy access to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GPT-4 on any website. This can be a valuable tool for teachers who frequently use online resources in their lessons. With Merlin, you can get a ChatGPT response on Google, Gmail, LinkedIn, Substack, and over 10 million other websites without the need to log in to the OpenAI website.

For example, if you’re researching a topic for a lesson, you can use Merlin to quickly generate a summary or explanation of a complex concept. Or, if you’re communicating with students or parents via email, you can use Merlin to help draft your messages.

Embracing the Future of Education with ChatGPT

As we’ve explored in this guide, ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions offer a wealth of opportunities to enhance the learning experience in the K-12 classroom. From providing access to a vast array of educational resources to facilitating interactive learning experiences, these tools are transforming the way we teach and learn.

But remember, while these tools offer exciting possibilities, they are just that – tools. The heart of education remains the relationship between teachers and students. These plugins and extensions are here to support that relationship, providing new ways to engage students, spark curiosity, and deepen understanding.

As we move forward into the future of education, it’s exciting to think about the possibilities these tools open up. But no matter how much technology advances, the goal remains the same: to inspire a love of learning, foster critical thinking, and equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the world.

So, whether you’re a seasoned educator or a new teacher, I encourage you to explore these ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions. Experiment with them, see what works for your teaching style and your students, and don’t be afraid to try new things. After all, education is all about learning and growing – and that applies to teachers, too!

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of ChatGPT plugins and Chrome extensions. I hope you’ve found this guide helpful and that it has inspired you to explore the possibilities these tools offer. Happy teaching!

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell is an experienced English professor in South Korea with over 20 years of teaching experience across all levels of education. With a doctorate in education, Richard is passionate about promoting language learning and using innovative approaches, including AI writing tools, to inspire his students.

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