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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a present reality that can drastically alter our society, and it’s crucial to educate the next generation with AI tools for students. They will grow up in close proximity to AI systems, and these tools can help them learn the basics of AI.

We can better prepare the next generation to make responsible choices about the future by teaching them about AI and its potential benefits. Teaching AI to kids is beneficial because it encourages them to think critically. 

Young people who understand how AI functions and its limitations are better equipped to question received wisdom and sidestep harmful generalizations. In addition, young people can learn about the importance of ethics in the creation of AI systems and the impact that such technologies have on modern society. 

Furthermore, by teaching machine learning and neural networks to children at a young age, we increase their likelihood of pursuing jobs in subjects like computer science and data analysis. This allows children to understand new technology at a younger age than prior generations and prepares them for jobs that may not have existed before. 

Overall, there are many convincing arguments for why introducing young people to AI is critical to their future happiness and success in many walks of life.

Tools for Learning AI Concepts


Zümi is an educational robot that can teach kids about coding, AI, and robotics. It has various features like sensors, and cameras, and can be programmed using different languages. 


  • It is designed to be easy to use for kids and beginners. 
  • Zumi can teach kids about AI and robotics in a fun and interactive way. 
  • It can be used in both classroom and home settings.


  • It may not be suitable for advanced users who require more complex functionality. 
  • It can be expensive for some families or schools.


  • Equipped with a camera, proximity sensors, and line sensors to help navigate its environment. 
  • Can be programmed using block-based or text-based coding languages to make it accessible for users with varying levels of coding experience. 
  • Designed to be easy to use for children and beginners, with tutorials and interactive lessons available to help users get started, 
  • Can teach users about coding, AI, and robotics in a fun and interactive way
  • Suitable for use in both classroom and home settings 
  • Provides a range of educational resources, including lesson plans and project ideas, to help users expand their knowledge and skills.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Introduces kids to the basics of robotics and AI through interactive programming and sensor-based activities 
  • Helps kids learn about computer vision, machine learning, and other AI concepts through fun and engaging exercises 
  • Provides a hands-on learning experience that allows kids to explore and experiment with AI in a safe and educational way 
  • Helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills that are valuable for understanding and working with AI technology.

Experiments with Google

Experiments with Google is a platform that provides interactive and educational experiments in various areas like art, music, and AI.


  • Provides a platform for developers to showcase innovative projects and ideas 
  • Offers a range of interactive and educational experiments that can be fun for users of all ages 
  • Free to use and easily accessible through the web


  • Some experiments may require advanced technical knowledge or equipment Quality and usability can vary between experiments 
  • Some projects may be experimental and not fully developed


  • Offers a variety of experiments in different areas like art, AI, music, and more 
  • Can be accessed through a web browser on any device 
  • Provides a platform for developers to share their ideas and projects

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Offers a variety of AI-related experiments and activities that can help kids learn about machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing 
  • Provides interactive and engaging exercises that make learning about AI concepts fun and accessible for kids of all ages 
  • Offers a platform for kids to explore and experiment with AI in a safe and educational way, with guidance from trusted sources and experts in the field.

AI 4 Children

AI 4 Children is an online resource that introduces children to AI concepts and provides interactive activities and games to help them learn.


  • Provides an introduction to AI in a way that is accessible and engaging for children 
  • Helps children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills 
  • Can be used in both classroom and home settings


  • It may not be suitable for advanced users who require more complex functionality 
  • Limited to AI-related content only


  • Offers a range of AI-related topics, including machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing 
  • Provides interactive activities and games to help children learn about AI concepts Includes resources for teachers and parents to use in the classroom or at home

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Introduces kids to the fundamental concepts of AI in a way that is accessible and engaging 
  • Provides interactive activities and games that help kids learn about AI concepts like machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing 
  • Offers resources for parents and teachers to help them incorporate AI education into their children’s learning experiences 
  • Helps kids develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a world where AI is becoming increasingly important and ubiquitous.

Tools for Mobile App Development

MLKit beta

MLKit beta is a mobile software development kit (SDK) that provides machine learning capabilities to developers and users. It offers a range of features and capabilities, including image and text recognition, language translation, and natural language processing, that are easily accessible through a mobile platform.


  • Offers a range of machine learning capabilities that are easily accessible through a mobile SDK
  • Provides support for both on-device and cloud-based machine learning models
  • Can be integrated with a wide range of apps and platforms, making it a versatile tool for developers and users alike
  • Offers a simplified and user-friendly approach to machine learning that can make it more accessible for beginners and kids.


  • Some advanced features may require technical knowledge or expertise
  • Limited to machine learning-related tasks only
  • Some features may still be in beta and may not be fully developed.


  • Offers a range of machine learning features, including image and text recognition, language translation, and natural language processing
  • Provides both on-device and cloud-based machine learning models, allowing for flexibility and scalability
  • Can be easily integrated with existing apps and platforms, making it accessible to developers and users across various industries and fields.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Provides an introduction to machine learning in a way that is accessible and engaging, helping kids understand how computers can be trained to recognize and classify objects, translate languages, and process natural language.
  • Offers a range of features and capabilities that can help kids learn about image recognition, text recognition, and natural language processing, and how these technologies are used in the real world.
  • Can be easily integrated with existing apps and platforms, providing a fun and interactive way for kids to explore the potential applications of machine learning and AI.
  • Helps develop skills and knowledge that are useful for future careers in technology and data science, as well as an understanding of how AI is shaping the world around us.

Tools for Machine Learning


DataRobot is a powerful machine learning automation platform that can help parents and teachers to build and deploy accurate predictive models. With a range of user-friendly tools and resources, DataRobot offers a simple and intuitive way for parents and teachers to introduce kids to the basics of machine learning and data science.


  • Provides an automated machine learning platform that can help users quickly and easily build predictive models
  • Offers advanced AI algorithms and tools that can handle large datasets and complex tasks
  • Can help users identify patterns and insights in data that might not be apparent otherwise
  • Can be used in various industries, from healthcare to finance and beyond.


  • Can be expensive for some users and organizations
  • Some advanced features may require technical knowledge or expertise
  • May not be suitable for users who prefer a more hands-on approach to machine learning.


  • Offers a range of machine learning capabilities, including predictive modeling, time-series forecasting, and anomaly detection
  • Provides advanced AI algorithms and tools, such as natural language processing and computer vision, to help users solve complex problems
  • Can handle large datasets and provides automated workflows to streamline the machine learning process.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • While DataRobot may be more suitable for advanced users, it can still provide a glimpse into the power and potential of machine learning for kids who are interested in technology and AI.
  • By understanding the basics of how machine learning works and seeing how it can be applied in various industries, kids can begin to appreciate the role that AI plays in our world and how it can be used to solve complex problems.

Teachable Machines

Teachable Machines is a user-friendly tool that can help parents and teachers introduce kids to the basics of machine learning. With Teachable Machines, kids can train their own machine-learning models to recognize and classify different types of objects or gestures, providing an interactive and engaging way for them to learn about the potential applications of machine learning in various fields.


  • Offers a simple and user-friendly platform for building and training machine learning models
  • Can be used for a variety of applications, including image and sound recognition and pose detection
  • Can be used with a wide range of devices and platforms, from desktop computers to mobile devices and Raspberry Pi boards
  • Free to use and easily accessible through a web browser.


  • Limited to basic machine learning tasks only
  • Some advanced features may require technical knowledge or expertise
  • Results might not be as precise or reliable as those from more sophisticated machine learning tools. 


  • Allows users to build machine learning models using their own images, sounds, and poses
  • Provides a simple and intuitive interface for training and testing machine learning models
  • Can be used with a variety of devices and platforms, making it a versatile tool for developers and users.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Teachable Machines offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and how it works
  • By building and training their own machine-learning models, kids can gain a hands-on understanding of how machines can be taught to recognize and classify objects, sounds, and poses.
  • Teachable Machines can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they learn to experiment with different approaches and test the accuracy of their models.

Fun AI Games for Kids

Quick Draw

Quick Draw is a game that uses machine learning to recognize and classify the objects that users draw, providing an interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of image recognition and classification.


  • Offers a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about machine learning
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be trained to recognize and classify objects
  • Provides a platform for kids to experiment with machine learning and explore its potential applications and impact on the world.


  • Limited to basic image recognition tasks only
  • Results might not be as precise or reliable as those from more sophisticated machine learning tools. 


  • Provides a simple and intuitive interface for drawing and labeling objects
  • Uses a machine-learning model to recognize and classify the objects that users draw
  • Provides immediate feedback on the accuracy of the machine learning model.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Quick Draw offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and how it works
  • By drawing and labeling objects, kids can see how machines can be taught to recognize and classify different types of images.
  • Quick Draw can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of the machine learning model.

Sketch-RNN Demos

Sketch-RNN Demos is a  set of demos that use machine learning to generate sequences of images or text, providing a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of sequence prediction and generation.


  • Offers a fun and engaging way for kids to experiment with machine learning
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be used to generate and predict sequences of data
  • Provides a platform for kids to explore the potential applications and impact of machine learning on the creative arts.


  • Limited to basic sequence generation tasks only
  • Results might not be as precise or reliable as those from more sophisticated machine learning tools. 


  • Provides a range of demos that use machine learning to generate sequences of images or text
  • Uses a recurrent neural network (RNN) to predict the next element in the sequence
  • Provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to experiment with different settings and see the results.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Sketch-RNN Demos offer a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and how it works
  • By experimenting with different demos and settings, kids can see how machines can be used to generate and predict different types of sequences.
  • Sketch-RNN Demos can also help kids develop creativity and imagination, as they explore the potential applications of machine learning in the creative arts.


Cognimates is a powerful AI education platform that can help parents and teachers to introduce kids to the basics of artificial intelligence and computer science. With a range of user-friendly tools and resources, Cognimates offers a simple and intuitive way for parents and teachers to help kids learn about the potential applications of AI and how it can be used to solve real-world problems.


  • Offers a range of user-friendly tools and resources for kids to learn about the basics of AI and computer science
  • Provides a platform for kids to explore the potential applications and impact of AI on various fields
  • Can help kids develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity
  • Cognimates is open-source and free to use.


  • May require some technical knowledge or expertise to use and customize beyond the basics
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced AI tools.


  • Provides a range of tools and resources for kids to learn about AI and computer science, including Scratch-based programming, AI-enabled games, and interactive tutorials
  • Offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to experiment with different AI techniques and approaches
  • Provides a range of educational resources and lesson plans for parents and teachers to use in the classroom or at home.

How it Helps Kids Learn About AI

  • Cognimates offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of AI and computer science
  • By using Scratch-based programming and AI-enabled games, kids can see how machines can be programmed to perform different types of tasks.
  • Cognimates can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of their AI models.
  • Additionally, by providing a platform for kids to explore the potential applications of AI, Cognimates can help inspire the next generation of AI innovators and creators.

Teachable Snake

Teachable Snake is a game that allows users to train a machine-learning model to control a snake, providing a simple and engaging way for kids to learn about the basics of reinforcement learning and the potential applications of machine learning in gaming.


  • Offers a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about machine learning
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be trained to learn and predict different types of behavior
  • Provides a platform for kids to experiment with machine learning and explore its potential applications and impact on the world.


  • Limited to a specific game and task only
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced machine-learning tools
  • May require some technical knowledge or expertise to use and customize beyond the basics.


  • Provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to train and test a machine-learning model to control a snake game
  • Uses reinforcement learning algorithms to train the machine learning model to learn and predict the next move of the snake
  • Provides immediate feedback on the accuracy of the machine learning model.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Teachable Snake offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and how it works
  • By training a machine learning model to control the snake, kids can see how machines can learn and predict different types of behavior.
  • Teachable Snake can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of the machine learning model.

AI Sketches with Bill T. Jones

AI Sketches with Bill T. Jones is a set of demos and projects that use machine learning to create interactive visual installations based on human movement, offering a unique and creative way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and the potential applications of machine learning in the creative arts.


  • Offers a unique and creative way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and human movement
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be trained to recognize and classify different types of movement
  • Provides a platform for kids to explore the potential applications and impact of machine learning on the creative arts.


  • Limited to specific demos and projects only
  • Results might not be as precise or reliable as those from more sophisticated machine learning tools. 


  • Provides a range of demos and projects that use machine learning to create interactive visual installations based on human movement
  • Uses machine learning algorithms to recognize and classify different types of movement
  • Provides a unique and immersive experience for users to explore and interact with the installations.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • AI Sketches with Bill T. Jones offers a unique and creative way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and human movement
  • By exploring and interacting with the installations, kids can see how machines can be used to create interactive and engaging art experiences based on human movement.
  • AI Sketches with Bill T. Jones can also help kids develop creativity and imagination, as they explore the potential applications of machine learning in the creative arts.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Machine

Rock, Paper, Scissors Machine is a game that uses machine learning to recognize and classify gestures for rock, paper, and scissors games, providing a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of gesture recognition and classification.


  • Offers a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about machine learning
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be trained to recognize and classify different types of gestures
  • Provides a platform for kids to experiment with machine learning and explore its potential applications and impact on the world.


  • Limited to specific tasks only
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced machine learning tools.


  • Provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to train and test a machine-learning model to recognize and classify gestures for the rock, paper, scissors game
  • Uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to train the machine learning model to recognize and classify the gestures
  • Provides immediate feedback on the accuracy of the machine learning model.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Machine offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of machine learning and how it works
  • By training a machine learning model to recognize and classify gestures, kids can see how machines can learn and predict different types of behavior.
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Machine can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of the machine learning model.

The AI Family Challenge

AI Family Challenge is a unique and interactive platform that provides parents and teachers with a fun and engaging way to introduce kids to the basics of artificial intelligence. With a range of challenges and activities, AI Family Challenge offers a simple and intuitive way for families to learn about the potential applications and impact of AI on various fields.


  • Offers a fun and interactive way for families to learn about the basics of artificial intelligence
  • Provides a range of challenges and activities that can help kids develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity
  • Can help families understand the potential applications and impact of AI on various fields
  • AI Family Challenge is free to use.


  • May require some technical knowledge or expertise to fully engage with the challenges and activities
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced AI tools.


  • Provides a range of challenges and activities for families to learn about the basics of AI, including creating chatbots and image classifiers
  • Offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to experiment with different AI techniques and approaches
  • Provides a range of educational resources and lesson plans for parents and teachers to use in the classroom or at home.

How it Helps Kids Learn About AI

  • AI Family Challenge offers a fun and interactive way for families to learn about the basics of AI and its potential applications
  • By engaging in challenges and activities that involve creating chatbots and image classifiers, kids can see how machines can be programmed to perform different types of tasks.
  • AI Family Challenge can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of their AI models.
  • Additionally, by providing a platform for families to explore the potential applications of AI, the AI Family Challenge can help inspire the next generation of AI innovators and creators.

Tools for Creating AI Applications


eCraft2Learn is a platform that offers a range of tools and resources for kids to create and experiment with AI-powered projects, providing a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of AI and how it works.


  • Offers a platform for kids to create and experiment with AI-powered projects
  • Can help kids understand how machines can be programmed to perform different types of tasks
  • Provides a platform for kids to explore the potential applications and impact of AI on various fields.


  • May require some technical knowledge or expertise to use and customize beyond the basics
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced AI tools.


  • Provides a range of tools and resources for kids to create and experiment with AI-powered projects
  • Uses a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to program machines to perform different tasks
  • Provides a range of tutorials and resources to help users learn about AI and its potential applications.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • eCraft2Learn offers a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the basics of AI and how it works
  • By creating and experimenting with AI-powered projects, kids can see how machines can be programmed to perform different types of tasks.
  • eCraft2Learn can also help kids develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they experiment with different approaches and try to improve the accuracy of their AI models.

Apps for Good

Apps for Good is a platform that offers a range of tools and resources for kids to develop AI-powered mobile apps, providing a practical and engaging way for kids to learn about the basics of AI and how it can be integrated into real-world applications.


  • Offers a platform for kids to create and develop their own AI-powered mobile apps
  • Can help kids understand how AI can be integrated into real-world applications
  • Provides a platform for kids to explore the potential applications and impact of AI on various fields.


  • May require some technical knowledge or expertise to use and customize beyond the basics
  • Results may not be as accurate or reliable as those produced by more advanced AI tools.


  • Provides a range of tools and resources for kids to develop AI-powered mobile apps
  • Uses a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to integrate AI into their apps
  • Provides a range of tutorials and resources to help users learn about AI and its potential applications.

How it helps kids learn about AI

  • Apps for Good offers a practical and engaging way for kids to learn about the basics of AI and how it can be integrated into real-world applications
  • By developing their own AI-powered mobile apps, kids can see how AI can be used to solve real-world problems and improve people’s lives.
  • Apps for Good can also help kids develop creativity and innovation, as they explore the potential applications of AI in the mobile app space.


Teaching children about AI and its potential applications is crucial for their future success in a rapidly changing world. By using these tools, parents and teachers can help kids develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity while learning about the basics of AI.

Additionally, it’s crucial to give kids the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a world where AI is becoming more prevalent in a variety of fields.

We encourage parents and teachers to explore these tools with their children and continue learning about AI together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best AI tool for students?

The best AI tool for students often depends on their educational needs. Tools that enhance learning through interactive content, like AI-driven tutoring systems, are highly beneficial. These AI tools for students offer personalized learning experiences, making education more engaging and effective.

How can students use AI tools?

Students can use AI tools for a variety of educational purposes, such as personalized tutoring, research assistance, and improving study habits. These AI tools for students adapt to individual learning styles, providing customized support and interactive learning experiences.

What kind of AI can be used in education?

In education, AI tools for students can range from intelligent tutoring systems and educational games to language learning apps and AI-powered research tools. These tools are designed to make learning more interactive, efficient, and tailored to individual student needs.

Which AI is best for school assignments?

For school assignments, AI tools for students that offer research assistance, writing aid, and problem-solving capabilities are highly effective. These tools can help students understand complex concepts, improve writing skills, and provide step-by-step solutions for mathematical problems.

Is AI good for students?

AI is beneficial for students as it provides personalized learning opportunities and interactive educational experiences. AI tools for students can adapt to different learning styles, assist in understanding complex subjects, and encourage independent learning and critical thinking.

Which is the best free AI chatbot for students?

The best free AI chatbot for students is one that offers reliable information, interactive learning experiences, and subject-specific assistance. These AI tools for students can help with quick queries, language learning, and provide explanations for academic concepts, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell is an experienced English professor in South Korea with over 20 years of teaching experience across all levels of education. With a doctorate in education, Richard is passionate about promoting language learning and using innovative approaches, including AI writing tools, to inspire his students.

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