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Hello, fellow educators, researchers, and parents! 🎮 Are you tired of the same old “write a story about your summer vacation” assignments?

Do you wish there was a way to make narrative writing as exciting as defeating the final boss in a video game? Well, what if I told you that you could actually combine the thrill of game development with the art of storytelling? Intrigued?

Let’s level up our teaching game with NESmaker!

What’s the Quest?

Narrative writing is a crucial skill for students, but let’s face it, it can be as monotonous as grinding in an RPG game. The challenge? Making it engaging and relevant for our digital-native students.

The Power-Up: NESmaker

Enter NESmaker, a software that lets you create real, playable NES games without any coding. It’s like the Game Genie for educational innovation.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how NESmaker can turn your classroom into a game development studio where students improve their narrative writing skills by creating story-driven games.

NESMaker Editing

What is NESmaker?

The Magic Behind Retro Game Development

If you’ve ever dreamed of creating your own NES game but thought it was only possible for coding wizards, then NESmaker is your magic spell.

Developed to bring the joy and creativity of game development to everyone, NESmaker is a software for PC that allows users to create brand new, hardware-playable, cartridge-based games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

And guess what? You don’t need to write a single line of code!

How Does NESmaker Work?

Back in the ’80s, game developers used the 6502 assembly language, a low-level programming language, to create NES games.

These codes were then converted into hexadecimal data that the NES could read. Sounds complicated, right? NESmaker simplifies this process dramatically.

It comes with an intuitive graphical front-end and a library of modifiable pre-existing engine code.

All you have to do is drag and drop selections to create your game. When you’re ready, just hit the test button, and voila! Your game is ready to be played on an emulator or even a real NES cartridge.


Who Can Use NESmaker?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned game developer, NESmaker has something for everyone. For novices, the software offers easy-to-use drop-down menus and selection boxes.

For the pros, it allows for rapid prototyping and even building an engine from scratch. It’s a versatile tool that can help users of all skill levels create new experiences for this classic gaming system.

Why NESmaker is Perfect for the Classroom

NESmaker is not just a tool for game enthusiasts; it’s a revolutionary educational platform. It offers a modern development environment where students can learn narrative writing through game development, all without the steep learning curve of traditional coding.

  1. Ease of Use: No coding experience needed.
  2. Versatility: Suitable for all skill levels.
  3. Educational Value: Enhances narrative writing through game development.

Unleashing Creativity and Narrative Skills with NESmaker

 A New Age Tool Meets Timeless Storytelling Techniques

NESmaker is not just software; it’s a revolution in the classroom. It allows students to create their own NES games without writing a single line of code. But why is narrative writing so crucial in the first place?

The Importance of Narrative Writing

According to the NCTE, narratives are powerful tools for personal expression. They allow students to explore their own experiences, ideas, and emotions in a structured way.

This form of writing is not only personally fulfilling but also emotionally enriching.


Why Narrative Writing Engages Students

A blog post from Learning in Room 213 suggests that narrative writing is deeply engaging for students. It provides them with the opportunity to tell their stories, which are already inside them, waiting to be heard.

The Educational Benefits of Narrative Writing

According to Literacy Ideas, narrative writing helps master the craft of storytelling, which is as old as humanity. It helps students understand the main elements of a good story, like plot, setting, characters, conflict, climax, and resolution.

Why Narrative Writing is Important in Schools

Bright Education Services emphasizes that narrative writing in elementary school is beneficial for building essential English-language arts skills. It fosters creativity and improves reading skills.

NESmaker: The Perfect Blend of Tech and Narrative

NESmaker seamlessly blends technology with the art of storytelling. It provides a modern platform where narrative meets game development, offering students a unique way to improve their writing skills while having fun.

Mystic Origins and Mystic Searchers: Developed by the NESMaker Team

NESMaker Mystic Series
Mystic Searches

Actionable Takeaways

  1. Introduce NESmaker in your curriculum. It’s a fun and interactive way to teach narrative writing.
  2. Encourage Storytelling: Use NESmaker as a tool to encourage students to tell their stories through game development.
  3. Blend Traditional and Modern: Use NESmaker to show how traditional narrative writing skills can be applied in a modern context.

Merging Game Development and Narrative Writing

When Two Worlds Collide

Imagine a classroom where students are not just confined to pen and paper for storytelling. Instead, they’re crafting narratives in a digital world, complete with characters, quests, and plot twists.

This is not a vision of the future; rather, NESmaker has made it a reality. 

The Synergy of Storytelling and Game Development

Game development and narrative writing share core elements: characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. NESmaker allows students to explore these elements in an interactive way. They can create a character, build a world, and set up conflicts—all within the framework of a game.


The NESmaker Advantage

What sets NESmaker apart is its user-friendly interface. Without having to worry about difficult coding, students can concentrate on the storytelling aspect.

This makes it an excellent tool for classrooms where the primary focus is narrative writing.

Real-World Applications

Incorporating NESmaker into the curriculum has real-world applications. It equips students with a unique skill set that combines technical know-how with creative writing, making them more versatile in today’s digital landscape.

NESMaker Skills

Classroom Activities to Get Started

Here are some classroom activities to kickstart your NESmaker journey:

  1. Character Creation: Students can create their own characters and write a backstory for them.
  2. Quest Design: Students can design a quest that their character has to complete, focusing on narrative elements like conflict and resolution.
  3. World Building: Students can create the setting for their game, describing it in detail to improve their descriptive writing skills.
  • Ease of Use: No coding experience is needed.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all skill levels.
  • Educational Value: Enhances narrative writing through game development.

Actionable Takeaways

  1. Start Small: Begin with a simple storytelling activity and gradually move to more complex game development tasks.
  2. Collaborate: Encourage students to work in teams, fostering collaborative storytelling.
  3. Reflect and Revise: After completing a game, have students write a reflection on their storytelling process, focusing on what they learned and how they can improve.

Sample Lesson Plan Using NESmaker

A Blueprint for Narrative Writing Through Game Development

Here’s a sample lesson plan that I would consider implementing in my classroom to integrate NESmaker with narrative writing.

Week 1: Introduction to NESmaker and Narrative Writing

  • Learning Objectives: Introduce students to NESmaker and the basics of narrative writing.
  • Learning Activities: Discuss the elements of a story and how they can be implemented in a game.
  • Assessment: Short quiz to gauge understanding of narrative elements and basic NESmaker features.

Week 2: Brainstorming and Planning

  • Learning Objectives: Students will be able to brainstorm game ideas that incorporate a narrative element.
  • Learning Activities: Students sketch out their game ideas and create a storyboard.
  • Assessment: Peer review of storyboards and a one-page written proposal of their game idea.

Week 3-4: Hands-On with NESmaker

  • Learning Objectives: Students will start building their games.
  • Learning Activities: Guided sessions on using NESmaker to implement their storyboards.
  • Assessment: Mid-project check-in where students present their progress and receive feedback.

Week 5: Peer Review and Feedback

  • Learning Objectives: Students will play each other’s games and provide feedback.
  • Learning Activities: Class-wide game testing session.
  • Assessment: Written feedback forms focusing on narrative elements and gameplay, graded by the teacher.

Week 6: Final Presentation and Reflection

Actionable Takeaways

  1. Adapt and Modify: Feel free to adapt this lesson plan according to your curriculum and time constraints.
  2. Collaborate: Encourage students to work in teams for a richer narrative experience.
  3. Reflect: Make time for students to reflect on their narrative writing skills and how they’ve improved through this project.
NESMaker Final Project Rubric

How to Get Started with NESmaker in Your Classroom

Your Game Plan

In this section, let’s dive into the practical steps for implementing NESmaker in your classroom. The information is based on the official NESmaker 4.5 instructional guide, which serves as a comprehensive resource for both beginners and advanced users.

Downloading NESmaker

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the NESmaker website and download the latest version of the software.
  2. Unzip the File: Once downloaded, unzip the NESmaker folder onto your desktop.

Basic Setup

  1. Check System Requirements: Ensure your computer meets the software requirements. NESmaker is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
  2. Activate the Software: You’ll need to enter your email and license number to activate NESmaker.

Creating Your First Game

  1. Open NESmaker: Navigate to the NESmaker folder and open the application.
  2. Start a New Project: Click on the ‘New Project’ button.
  3. Set Up Graphics Folder: Choose ‘Create Blank Tilesets’ for your graphics folder.
  4. Name Your Project: Give your project a logical name, avoiding special characters.
  5. Select a Module: NESmaker comes with different modules for various game genres. Choose one that aligns with your educational goals.

Actionable Classroom Activities

  1. Conceptualize the Game: Before diving into the software, have students sketch out their game ideas on paper. This can be a collaborative activity.
  2. Game Flow Chart: Have students create a flow chart detailing the game’s progression, objects, and win/lose conditions.
  3. Hands-On Experience: Allow students to implement their ideas in NESmaker, encouraging them to experiment and iterate.

By following these steps, you’ll not only introduce your students to the world of game development but also enhance their narrative writing skills in a fun and interactive way.


As we’ve journeyed through the realms of NESmaker and narrative writing, it’s clear that this innovative tool has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach storytelling.

By merging the excitement of game development with the foundational skills of narrative writing, NESmaker offers a unique, engaging, and highly educational experience for students.

Questions for Engagement

  • What are your thoughts on using game development to teach narrative writing?
  • Have you used NESmaker or similar tools in your classroom? Share your experience!

And there you have it—a complete guide to using NESmaker as a transformative tool for teaching narrative writing. Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or an educational researcher, the possibilities are endless.

So why wait? Start crafting your own story-driven games today and watch your students’ narrative writing skills level up!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NES Maker?

NESmaker is a PC software that allows users to create new, hardware-playable, cartridge-based games for the NES without needing to code.

How does NES Maker enhance narrative writing?

NESmaker turns the classroom into a game development studio, where students can improve their narrative writing skills by creating story-driven games.

Who can use NES Maker?

NESmaker is suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned game developers, offering a range of functionalities to accommodate various expertise levels.

What is NES Maker ideal for educational settings?

NESmaker offers a modern development environment that makes learning narrative writing engaging, without the steep learning curve of traditional coding.

Can NES Maker be used without any prior coding experience?

Yes, NESmaker is designed for ease of use, allowing individuals with no coding experience to create games using intuitive graphical interfaces.

What are the learning outcomes of using NES Maker in the classroom?

Students learn narrative writing through game development, fostering creativity, storytelling, and technical skills in a fun and interactive way.

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell is an experienced English professor in South Korea with over 20 years of teaching experience across all levels of education. With a doctorate in education, Richard is passionate about promoting language learning and using innovative approaches, including AI writing tools, to inspire his students.